Downtown Bellingham Partnership
Board of Directors Application
The Downtown Bellingham Partnership (DBP) Board of Directors is seeking new members who are passionate about the vibrancy and economic health of the Downtown Bellingham neighborhood to serve on its Board of Directors. The DBP Board of Directors guides all programs, events, and initiatives that connect to the heart of our mission: the ongoing revitalization of Downtown Bellingham.
DBP originally started in 2000 as the Downtown Renaissance Network with the mission of growing the downtown core through economic vitality, community building, and creating a clean, safe, and friendly district for all. In 2014 we became an approved Washington State Main Street community, positioning us as a strong voice for the downtown neighborhood and an effective liaison between downtown stakeholders and local decision-makers. As a central source for information and discussion on downtown issues, the Partnership is uniquely situated to respond appropriately and immediately to the neighborhood’s needs.
Members of the DBP Board of Directors are legally and ethically responsible for all activities of the organization and have the responsibility of leading our organization, serving on committees, supporting fundraising efforts, volunteering at events, celebrating our accomplishments, and problem-solving obstacles we may face along the way. The Board meets monthly and Board members serve a minimum of three years as ambassadors of the organization.
To learn more, check out the links below. If interested in serving as a board member, fill out the application – thank you!
Current Board Members
Ken Mann, President
Rose Lathrop, Vice President
Dan Murphy, Treasurer
Chris Roselli, Secretary
Rhiannon Troutman | Craig Jewell | Linett Nardone | Logan McQuaig | Aaron Haynes | Tyler Schroeder | Dan Hammill